[O2] Auto szarpie i nie wkręca się na obroty

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    [O2] Auto szarpie i nie wkręca się na obroty

    bzyq_74, dokladnie. Jako 1 kraj bez lustracji i z oraglym stolem,gdzie sie po prostu dogadano-wy nam nic nie robicie a my oddajemy wam wladze.
    Pawlak tez ostatnio dowalil z tymi emeryturami ZUS
    Pora chyba sie pakowac i spier..lac z tego kraju...
  • Andrev3
    S_OCP Member
    • 2006
    • 6116

    [O2] Auto szarpie i nie wkręca się na obroty

    Słuchajcie wczoraj podczas jazdy zapaliła mi się kontrolka od problemu z emisją spalin.
    Po paru kilometrach, samochód zaczął szarpać i nie przyśpieszać. Jak by pracował na dwóch garach.
    Jest tak że powoli jedzie do przodu, dostanie 2,5 tys obrotów i ciągnie. Tyle że nadale lekko szarpie.
    Zrobiłem Auto-scan i wyskoczyło mi coś takiego:

    VCDS Version: Beta 912.0
    Data version: 20091201


    Chassis Type: 7N0
    Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 15 16 17 19 25 42 44 46 52 56 62 72 76 7D

    VIN: TMBHS21Z862141644 Mileage: 258290km/160493miles

    01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 1010
    02-Auto Trans -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100
    03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
    04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
    08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    15-Airbags -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    16-Steering wheel -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
    42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
    44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
    56-Radio -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
    72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
    76-Park Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    7D-Aux. Heat -- Status: OK 0000

    Address 01: Engine Labels: 03G-906-016-BKC.lbl
    Part No SW: 03G 906 016 DJ HW: 028 101 188 3
    Component: R4 1,9L EDC G000SG 6250
    Revision: 12345678 Serial number: SKZ7Z0E3078499
    Coding: 0000071
    Shop #: WSC 20920 456 17978

    5 Faults Found:
    18058 - Powertrain Data Bus: Missing Message from Instrument Cluster
    P1650 - 000 - -
    Freeze Frame:
    RPM: 0 /min
    Torque: 48.0 Nm
    Speed: 0.0 km/h
    Load: 0.0 %
    Voltage: 12.08 V
    Bin. Bits: 00101100
    Bin. Bits: 00000000
    (no units): 0.0

    18104 - Powertrain Data Bus: Implausible Message from Steering Column Controller
    P1696 - 000 - - - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    RPM: 0 /min
    Torque: 38.0 Nm
    Speed: 0.0 km/h
    Load: 0.0 %
    Voltage: 11.78 V
    Bin. Bits: 00101100
    Bin. Bits: 11000000
    (no units): 3.0

    17672 - PD Unit Injector: Cylinder 2 (N241): Regulation Range Exceeded
    P1264 - 000 - -
    Freeze Frame:
    RPM: 2478 /min
    Torque: 86.0 Nm
    Speed: 115.0 km/h
    Load: 0.0 %
    Voltage: 13.98 V
    Inj. Quantity: -0.12 mg/str
    Temperature: 76.5°C
    (no units): 0.0

    18075 - PD Unit Injector; Cylinder 2 (N241): Electrical Malfunction
    P1667 - 000 - -
    Freeze Frame:
    RPM: 2289 /min
    Torque: 228.0 Nm
    Speed: 105.0 km/h
    Load: 66.7 %
    Voltage: 13.68 V
    Inj. Quantity: 2.45 mg/str
    Temperature: 76.5°C
    (no units): 128.0

    16686 - Cylinder 2: Misfire Detected
    P0302 - 000 - -
    Freeze Frame:
    RPM: 798 /min
    Torque: 100.0 Nm
    Speed: 0.0 km/h
    Load: 0.0 %
    Voltage: 13.60 V
    Inj. Quantity: 2.96 mg/str
    Temperature: 69.3°C
    (no units): 128.0

    Readiness: 1 2 0 0 1

    Address 02: Auto Trans
    Cannot be reached

    Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 1K0-907-379-MK70.lbl
    Part No: 1K0 907 379 P
    Component: ASR FRONT MK70 0105
    Coding: 0017025
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    No fault code found.

    Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 1K0-907-044.lbl
    Part No: 1Z0 907 044 H
    Component: ClimatronicPQ35 084 0305
    Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000

    2 Faults Found:
    00050 - Evaporator Temperature Sensor (G308)
    007 - Short to Ground
    01314 - Engine Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

    Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 3C0-937-049-23-H.lbl
    Part No SW: 1K0 937 049 N HW: 1K0 937 049 N*
    Component: Bordnetz-SG H34 0803
    Revision: 00H34000 Serial number: 00000003431115
    Coding: B1880F331004140000110D000000000000197F0732
    Shop #: WSC 21680 456 16984

    Part No: 1Z1 955 119 C
    Component: Wischer 041007 022 0601
    Coding: 00055223
    Shop #: WSC 21680

    3 Faults Found:
    00059 - Terminal 30 for Interior Lighting
    012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit
    02399 - Control Circuit for Terminal 30 for Interior Illumination
    009 - Open or Short to Ground
    01314 - Engine Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

    Address 15: Airbags Labels: 1K0-909-605.lbl
    Part No SW: 1K0 909 605 N HW: 1K0 909 605 N
    Component: Q2 AIRBAG VW8 015 2100
    Revision: 03015000 Serial number: 0038ED0H7TW.
    Coding: 0020786
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    2 Faults Found:
    01285 - Side Airbag; Passenger Side; Disabled
    000 - -
    01284 - Side Airbag; Drivers Side; Disabled
    000 - -

    Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 1K0-953-549-MY8.lbl
    Part No SW: 1K0 953 549 AF HW: 1K0 953 549 AF
    Component: Lenksäulenmodul 034 0070
    Coding: 0000042
    Shop #: WSC 20920 456 17978

    1 Fault Found:
    00888 - Wiper Switch for Intermittent Operation (E22)
    014 - Defective - Intermittent

    Address 17: Instruments Labels: 1K0-920-xxx-17.lbl
    Part No SW: 1Z0 920 842 D HW: 1Z0 920 842 D
    Component: KOMBIINSTRUMENT VD1 1612
    Revision: V1612036 Serial number: SKZ7Z0E3078499
    Coding: 0000103
    Shop #: WSC 21780 456 95272

    2 Faults Found:
    01315 - Transmission Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 01100100
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 57
    Reset counter: 88
    Mileage: 256928 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 20:03:56

    01314 - Engine Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00100100
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 6
    Reset counter: 121
    Mileage: 257015 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 18:30:41

    Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: None
    Part No SW: 7N0 907 530 HW: 1K0 907 951
    Component: J533 Gateway H27 5603
    Revision: H27 Serial number: 100810F1001033
    Coding: ED807F1E00020200000000
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    2 Faults Found:
    01314 - Engine Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00110100
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 5
    Reset counter: 121
    Mileage: 257015 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 18:30:41

    01315 - Transmission Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 01100100
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 42
    Mileage: 256928 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 20:04:06

    Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 1K0-920-xxx-25.lbl
    Part No SW: 1Z0 920 842 D HW: 1Z0 920 842 D
    Component: IMMO VD1 1612
    Revision: V1612036 Serial number: SKZ7Z0E3078499
    Shop #: WSC 21780 456 95272

    No fault code found.

    Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels: 1K0-959-701-MIN2.lbl
    Part No: 1T0 959 701 B
    Component: Tuer-SG 024 2345
    Coding: 0000244
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    No fault code found.

    Address 44: Steering Assist Labels: 1Kx-909-14x.lbl
    Part No: 1K1 909 144 J
    Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl.5 D04 1606
    Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000

    1 Fault Found:
    01314 - Engine Control Module
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Mileage: 7000 km
    Temperature: 24.0°C
    Voltage: 12.40 V
    Voltage: 12.20 V

    Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 1K0-959-433-MIN.clb
    Part No: 1K0 959 433 AK
    Component: KSG 0401
    Coding: 18D002007F2D8505084F010004CC
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    Component: Sounder n.mounted

    Component: NGS n.mounted

    Component: IRUE n.mounted

    1 Fault Found:
    00896 - Trunk Lock Unit (F256)
    008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

    Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels: 1K0-959-702-MIN2.lbl
    Part No: 1T0 959 702 B
    Component: Tuer-SG 024 2345
    Coding: 0000244
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    No fault code found.

    Address 56: Radio (J0503) Labels: 5M0-035-1xx-56.clb
    Part No SW: 3T0 035 156 B HW: 3T0 035 156 B
    Component: BOLERO 005 X008
    Revision: 0d001001 Serial number: SKZ1Z3G8455073
    Coding: 000004010401
    Shop #: WSC 07990 799 07990

    3 Faults Found:
    00872 - Bass Speaker Rear Left (R15)
    011 - Open Circuit
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 01101011
    Fault Priority: 5
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 88
    Mileage: 258298 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 10:13:45

    00873 - Bass Speaker Rear Right (R17)
    011 - Open Circuit
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 01101011
    Fault Priority: 5
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 88
    Mileage: 258298 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 10:13:45

    00821 - Antenna 2 for Radio (R93)
    011 - Open Circuit
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 01101011
    Fault Priority: 5
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 42
    Mileage: 256928 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 20:07:07

    Address 62: Door, Rear Left Labels: 1K0-959-703-GEN2.lbl
    Part No: 1K0 959 703 E
    Component: Tuer-SG 021 2405
    Coding: 0000144
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    No fault code found.

    Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: 1K0-959-704-GEN2.lbl
    Part No: 1K0 959 704 E
    Component: Tuer-SG 021 2405
    Coding: 0000144
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    No fault code found.

    Address 76: Park Assist Labels: 1Z0-919-283.lbl
    Part No SW: 1Z0 919 283 B HW: 1Z0 919 283 B
    Component: Parkhilfe 4-Kan H04 0020
    Coding: 0000001
    Shop #: WSC 73430 790 00000

    2 Faults Found:
    01546 - Sensor for Parking Aid; Rear Mid-Left (G204)
    009 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00101001
    Fault Priority: 3
    Fault Frequency: 5
    Reset counter: 126
    Mileage: 256938 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 09:53:27

    01546 - Sensor for Parking Aid; Rear Mid-Left (G204)
    004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00100100
    Fault Priority: 3
    Fault Frequency: 29
    Reset counter: 128
    Mileage: 257483 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 10:40:12

    Address 7D: Aux. Heat Labels: 1K0-963-235.lbl
    Part No SW: 1K0 963 235 E HW: 1K0 963 235 E
    Component: PTC-Element 0404
    Revision: 00800000 Serial number:
    Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000

    No fault code found.

    End ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Co myślicie?
    Wtrysk, czujnik temperatury silnika?



    • Nexus6
      S_OCP Member
      • 2004
      • 4847
      • Volkswagen

      niestety bardziej prawdopodobny jest PD. :evil:
      With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone


      • Andrev3
        S_OCP Member
        • 2006
        • 6116

        Nexus6, tego się najbardziej obawiam Pogadam z mechanikiem żeby mi najpierw sprawdził samą wtyczkę bo może gdzieś zaśniedziałą i dlatego się gubi połączenie.
        Zobaczymy, tyle że dopiero jutro



        • Nexus6
          S_OCP Member
          • 2004
          • 4847
          • Volkswagen

          Andrev3, moze byc jeszcze gdzies przetarta wiązka.
          With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone


          • pawelpap
            • 2010
            • 182

            może głupia uwaga ale sprawdź doloty powietrza , miałem identyczny problem ... okazał się źle założony dolot powietrza, podwinęła się uszczelka i zasysał powietrze...


            • Andrev3
              S_OCP Member
              • 2006
              • 6116

              pawelpap, jutro będzie badanie auta u mnie na serwisie więc zobaczymy, ale dzięki za uwagę, weźmiemy to pod uwagę
              RENT COMPLEX


